Wednesday, April 1, 2009


  • M -- MASTERY -- It takes years and years of practice to reach the top level of this sport.

  • N -- NEVER GIVE UP -- If diving were easy, everybody would be doing it.

  • O -- ON TIME -- It is better to be an hour early, that a minute late (for practice, meets, events, etc.)
  • P -- PASSION -- Those who succeed in diving (or coaching diving) have this.

  • Q -- QUICKNESS -- It is difficult to do the high DD dives if you do not have this physical attribute.

  • R -- RIP -- If you cannot "RIP" a dive, chances are your diving career may R.I.P.

  • S -- SMACK -- Avoid these if possible!
  • T -- TOE POINT -- As far back as I can remember -- "flat feet" just do not bring rave reviews from the judges.

  • U -- USE -- Use all resources available to make yourself a better diver.

  • V -- VERY GOOD -- For judging purposes, a dive in the "Very Good" range should score from 8 1/2 - 10.

  • W -- WASTE -- If you waste your time while at practice, it will definitely show at meets.

  • X -- X-RAYS -- Poor kickouts or bad line-ups (especially on tower) could result in a trip to the hospital for some of these on your shoulders or wrists!
  • Y -- YES -- Yes, you CAN do that dive!!

  • Z -- ZERO -- An unsuccessful attempt or an incorrect dive results in this score from the judges.

Diving Words To Live By:

"You Cannot Expect Above Average Results With Below Average Preparation"

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