Wednesday, November 19, 2008

High Cost Advertising -- FOR FREE!

Let's face it -- there are not too many (if any) diving programs in this great land of ours that can afford television or radio advertising. However, here is a simple way to get your Diving Program name on T.V. and Radio -- all at no cost!!

Now that Fall and Winter are upon us, there is a good chance that snow and ice will be prevalent in many areas of the country. When this happens, schools, churches and businesses are closed or delayed. Radio and TV stations announce this information all day long.

WHAT TO DO: Contact your local TV and Radio Stations NOW and ask them what their procedure is for submitting and announcing a closing or delay for a business or after school activity. Create a handy reference on your computer that gives you the contact number, e-mail or website of each station to do this.

When inclement weather strikes your area that causes many schools and businesses to close, the first thing you should do is send your diving program "closing information" to all the TV and radio stations in our area. Then sit back with a big smile on your face as you see your diving program name scrolling across the TV screen all day long and hear your diving program name read over and over again on the radio.

Warm Winter Greetings To All!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

steve, this is a fantastic piece of advice!
tom papp